Sunday, November 22, 2009

CrazyTalk Ep11 - Will Radik and Abraham Hyatt - Journo's vs Bloggers "Fight!"

Crazy Talk for November 22 2009

CrazyTalk Ep11 - In the first 30 minutes of tonight's Crazy Talk we catch up with Will Radik, who's gearing up for another 7th Planet Picture show (link unavailable). We get some backgound on his media-making activities: live on-stage, blogging and podcasting. We discuss his summer stint as a journo-blogging intern at Blogtown, and it's here that we bring in Abraham Hyatt for a recap of Saturday's We Make The Media conference. We hash away at the controversy arising between journo's of the old and new persuasions. Should we write academic position papers to win a grant or should we adopt the tech start-up mentality, dive right in and do-it-our-own-damn-selves? When Will brings up the Free Geek model of providing equipment, training and support for those with technology needs, it got me thinking how this model would be applied to journalism and making media. Journos and media makers would have access to the technology but more important, participants would gain valuable interaction and training on the best practices of news gathering, reporting and storytelling. A win-win for journos and techies.

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